Imagine the conventional email greetings that we send out this part of the year. This new year consider replacing the text by greetings in your own voice using your computer and a standard PC mic and a free software combo of Audacity and an mp3 converter . It is pretty simple and can be done without much of a pain.Record your greetings in your own voice and export the recording to mp3 format using the software combo mentioned before. Attach and send it by email. Some mail services, such as Gmail even sense that the attachment is an audio mp3 file and directly offer to play it. I see good potential here to surprise faraway friends whom we may not call, but still may want to wish them in our own voice. Sorry, no voice-merge here! For Installation help on Audacity here . Fellow blogger Amit Agarwal of Digital Inspiration has written a very useful post on voice recording using such software and I recommend all readers to spend a minute on very tips provided by Amit.
With the composite fragrance of Subarnnrekha, Gandak, Yamuna, Damodar, Narmada, Brahmani, Shipra & Cauvery rivers!