Many times we don't know that we already have a prepared logic to handle a situation. Like sometimes when we say, "Don't know why but I do not have good feeling about this move" or so on. In some such situation, we have already debated the pros and cons of such a move at a subliminal level of our mind, and though the logic is not known to the upper layers of our mind, we pretty much know what to do. Such logic that we ourselves are not cognizant of the existence of such logic but it tends to guide us. In simple words, intuition in some situation could be the result of an internal evaluation of a situation without becoming aware of such a processing. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell is is all about that. It is all about the existence of what programmers would like to say - existence of pre-compiled code in human mind. If you haven't read, do grab and read this brilliant book.
With the composite fragrance of Subarnnrekha, Gandak, Yamuna, Damodar, Narmada, Brahmani, Shipra & Cauvery rivers!