In the last ten days or so, we have seen a spate of ads, on TV, Billboards etc announcing the rebranding of Indian Telecom operator Hutch to Vodafone. Newspapers have been talking about the huge sums that has been marked for this transformation.This NDTV report event mentions about a sum of 300 crore being earmarked for this brand makeover.The entire campaign, including creative is very tasteful and simple.The blitz appears so pervasive.
However, there is branding in nooks and crannies, which is still to be done.
Look at the network signature of a visitor who visited this space last night from a handheld device on Hutch network.The network is still identified as Hutch.
Don't blame the brand managers though, this is one space that they may not think much about(or know about). Don't blame the network guys either, they are not incharge of the brand. It just goes onto show that such mammoth brand makeovers have more dimensions than a brand manager can possibly think about.
However, there is branding in nooks and crannies, which is still to be done.
Look at the network signature of a visitor who visited this space last night from a handheld device on Hutch network.The network is still identified as Hutch.

besides the ads and what you've mentioned, there's a whole lot of other hurdles of the web these guys will have to tackle.
i've written a bit about it myself this morning on my blog. do check it out at
Mark my words. One day the marketer would discover this space and then start buying and selling this space too, I mean don't they buy and sell any writable space which can be seen?!
I know it myself. Studied marketing 2 years!!