Abdul Kalam is set to retire in a week's time. Rajdeep Sardesai post on the president at one of his last official engagements is all about the magnetism of this simple looking man. There are talks about him becoming involved with various academic initiatives. Anna University in Chennai is preparing for his return to the campus, and Nitish Kumar is planning to offer him the Visitor position of the revived Nalanda University. Whatever finally happens, it is clear that Kalam is not fading away. That's reassuring. For me, this is double happiness, since I trace my roots to Nalanda area and live in Chennai. BTW, his future website is already being readied and will go live on 25 July 2007. The site seems to be hosted by NIC. Even Google seems to be saluting him, since, the site has no content yet, but seems to be enjoying PR of 4. Interestingly, there is less talk of India's incoming president in blogosphere, more or the outgoing one.So much for hamara President.
Related Posts:A conversation between Presidents Kalam and Musharraf which never happened &
President Abdul Kalam- random reflections of a citizen.
Updated 26 July 3:00 PM: We notice that the site host has changed to VSNL . Those looking for Dr. Kalam's email id may note that it is apj [at] according to this page on his site. And GApps fans, yes, Dr. Kalam's email is on GApps(Google Apps for Your Domain) too.
Related Posts:A conversation between Presidents Kalam and Musharraf which never happened &
President Abdul Kalam- random reflections of a citizen.
Updated 26 July 3:00 PM: We notice that the site host has changed to VSNL . Those looking for Dr. Kalam's email id may note that it is apj [at] according to this page on his site. And GApps fans, yes, Dr. Kalam's email is on GApps(Google Apps for Your Domain) too.
Yea i wrote that post. I start that blog for the people who wants to ahcieve there future goals.